Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below are some of the most common questions we’re asked about Cooper Career Central. If you have any additional questions, please email us at [email protected]

Q: How long have you been in existence?

A: Our company, which was originally called Career Central, has been in existence since 2017. In 2022, the company became Cooper Career Central because of a change in ownership.

Q: What types of job ads do you work with?

A: We can work with any type of job ad—from skilled laborers to academic professionals. The majority of our ads are from higher education institutions. However, we also work with government agencies, corporations, and nonprofits.

Q: How many social media groups do you belong to?

A: Currently, we’re a member of about 3,000 Members Only social media groups, and we’re joining more all the time.

Q: Do you share the list of all the Facebook and LinkedIn groups you belong to?

A: We don’t share our entire list with anyone, however, we do create proposals (upon request) and final reports that list which Facebook and LinkedIn groups we posted a particular ad in, as well as those groups’ current membership numbers.

Q: Do you only post to Members Only social media groups?

A: Yes, we only post to Members Only groups because it has the advantage of an ad not only appearing on those groups’ pages but also in the individual members’ personal feeds.

Q: Do you always post ads to multiple groups?

A: Yes, we always post ads to multiple Facebook and LinkedIn groups.

Q: Do you always post ads to geography-based Facebook groups?

A: Unless an ad is advertising for a remote job opening where geography isn’t a factor, we will post an ad to appropriate geography-based Facebook groups.

Q: Do you post ads to the LinkedIn job board?

A: No, we post ads to Members Only LinkedIn groups, not the general LinkedIn job board. We do post all ads on the Cooper Career Central job board.

Q: What are the specifications of an ad?

A: Social media limits how many characters (including spaces) a post can be. For this reason, we encourage ads to be no more than 2,700 characters (including spaces).

Q: Do you ever make changes to ads?

A: If an ad we receive exceeds 2,700 characters (including spaces), we will need to edit it. However, we get final approval on the edited version of the ad before we post it.

Q: Can you run a tracker link in an ad?

A: Yes, we can run a tracker link in an ad if it is provided to us.

Q: Can an ad include an image or a logo?

A: We include the logo for the school, corporation, nonprofit, or government agency with an ad’s job posting on the Cooper Career Central job board. In terms of posting an ad in Members Only social media groups, normally we only do text postings, however, we can include an image or a logo if requested to do so and if the image is provided to us.

Q: Can more than one job be in a single ad?

A: Yes, but we recommend only doing so if the jobs are similar. Otherwise, this could dilute the ad’s exposure.

Q: Can changes be made to a job ad after it’s been sent it to you?

A: Changes can be made to ads that haven’t been posted yet.

Q: Are all ads also posted on X?

A: Yes, we post all job opening ads on X.

Q: Do you write the tweet about an ad for X?

A: Yes, we take care of that as part of our service.

Q: How long does it take for an ad to be posted?

A: We post ads to social media groups within one to two business days after receiving them. The only exceptions to this is if we create a proposal or if the ad needs editing in which cases, we would wait until the proposal or edited version of the ad is approved before posting the ad. Since these are Members Only groups, there can be an approval process on an individual group’s part. Because of this, we monitor these groups, and if we feel the approval process is taking too long for a particular group, we will post the ad to an additional similar group at no additional cost.

Q: How long does an ad run?

A: We run ads for 45 days on the Cooper Career Central job board. The ad remains posted on LinkedIn, Facebook, and X past those 45 days.

Q: If an job gets filled, can the ad be taken down before the 45 days expire?

A: Yes, if requested, we can remove an ad from our Cooper Career Central job board before the 45 days expire. However, it will remain posted on social media.

Q: On average, how many people will see an ad?

A: As our proposals and final reports show, an ad will be seen by a minimum of 200,000 social media group members. The maximum number of members an ad can be exposed to can exceed 3 million. It all depends on the sizes of the groups that meet a particular ad’s criteria.

Q: What do you include in your final report?

A: We create a final report for all job ad postings that includes exactly which groups we posted an ad in, the current membership of those groups, and a screen capture of the ad as it appears on our Cooper Career Central job board.

Q: Do groups ever reject ads?

A: This is rare, however, we do monitor where we post ads and if an ad is rejected, we select a new comparable group and post it there. We include this new group in the final report.

Q: Can an ad be reposted?

A: Yes, for an additional fee.